Commanding Your Money: Financial Prophetic Declarations To Live By (Pre-Order)
One of our favorite books clearly says that LIFE and DEATH are in the power of the tongue. With this in mind, it’s so important to not just work for money but to command your money. Truly our world is formed by our words. Sometimes as believers, we have to make sure to also remind God of His prophetic words to us regarding our finances even when our world may not be lining up just quite yet.
Nevertheless know that you can literally speak to your money and it will listen.
In this powerful book of transformation Dwann Holmes & Rosemary Winbush share testimonies of how God moved their money according to their mouth.
Plus they share some money declarations that will cause your life to line up with your financial decrees.
When you read this book, you’ll understand the power of financial prophetic declarations. Your understanding will turn into strategies to voice activate the principles of Heaven concerning your money and wealth.